Pre-Application Consultations

Pre-Application Consultations

Planning Authorities are increasingly encouraging applicants to engage in formal pre-application negotiations. When undertaken efficiently, such consultations can lead to significant savings in both time and cost, allowing the final scheme to be tailored to address the most relevant issues. We can help by:

  • Ensuring early engagement with Planning Authorities through the preparation of pre-application details of the development in order to allow for a better understanding of the likely position that will be adopted by the Authority.
  • Identification of the nature and extent of supporting information likely to be required as part of the final planning submissions.
  • Undertaking community consultation exercises which can be a key to successfully promoting development, especially given the potentially controversial nature of some developments.
  • Identifying any mineral safeguarding concerns which a development may raise.

In many cases evidence of consultation with the local community and key stakeholders is a pre-requisite for making a successful planning application. Early engagement can assist in managing public opinion and can improve the prospect of achieving an early consent.