
From pre-application consultations, through the submission process to the discharge of conditions or completion of legal agreements, Hughes Craven can guide you through the planning process. Be it obtaining permission for a new development, extensions to existing sites or the amendment of previous permissions, we can help ensure that the right consents are in place.

Local Plan Representations

Local Plan Representations

The promotion of sites through the Local Plan process is increasingly important and we can promote your interests in a variety of ways.

Pre-Application Consultations

Pre-Application Consultations

We can help achieve significant savings in both time and cost through the undertaking of appropriate pre-application consultations.

Planning Applications

Planning Applications

To be successful, proposals need to be supported by the appropriate documentation. Hughes Craven has a wide experience of preparing and submitting a range of successful applications.

Discharge and Variation of Conditions

Discharge and Variation of Conditions

Hughes Craven advise on the most efficient solution to address planning conditions in order to move a development forward without undue expense or delay.

Mineral Safeguarding

Mineral Safeguarding

Mineral safeguarding is the process used in the planning system to ensure that potential mineral resources are not needlessly sterilised.



Whatever the reasons for refusal, Hughes Craven can identify the key issues, advise on the best course of action and take a project through the relevant appeal process.